Volume 9, Issue 2 (6-2024)                   IJREE 2024, 9(2): 60-72 | Back to browse issues page

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Shahkarami M, Alavinia P. The Effect of Teacher-led vs. Student-directed Inquiry-based Learning on Argumentative Writing Enhancement. IJREE 2024; 9 (2)
URL: http://ijreeonline.com/article-1-914-en.html
Urmia University, Iran
Abstract:   (1334 Views)
Though an entrenched and well-established domain of investigation, inquiry-based learning seems to have remained a partly under-researched concept in pedagogy and language learning. Informed by this dearth of research on the issue, the researchers in the current study probed into the effectiveness of inquiry-based approach for bettering intermediate EFL learners’ argumentative writing. Utilizing a quasi-experimental design, the current researchers selected three intact classes comprised of 45 institute learners aged between 18 and 20 and assigned them to two experimental groups and a control group. To conduct the study, a homogeneity test, and pretest and posttest of argumentative writing (each containing a 250-word essay adopted from IELTS Task 2) were administered to all he participants. Two kinds of Inquiry-based approach, teacher-led vs. student-directed, were carried out with the two experimental groups. Data analysis through one way ANOVA and Tukey test pointed to a significant difference among the three groups on the posttest. In addition, it was found that both teacher-led and guided modes of inquiry-based learning were equally helpful for boosting learners’ writing ability. The implications of the results are discussed in detail throughout the paper.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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