Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2021)                   IJREE 2021, 6(2): 71-88 | Back to browse issues page

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Akele Twumasi R. Attitudes of Students towards the Study of Ghanaian Languages in University of Cape Coast. IJREE 2021; 6 (2)
URL: http://ijreeonline.com/article-1-528-en.html
Department of Communication Studies, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana
Abstract:   (6265 Views)
Learner attitudes towards a target language and its speakers as well as the use to which the language is put is fundamental in defining levels of success for the learning of that language. Ghana is dominated by several indigenous local languages. However, the official language as a medium of instruction in schools in Ghana is English language. Notwithstanding the use of English language as both official language and medium of instruction in our schools, disciplines specialize in the study of Ghanaian languages as a programme of study at the tertiary level. The study investigated the attitude that Ghanaian students have towards the study of Ghanaian indigenous languages and the motivational factors for the study of these languages at University of Cape Coast. Using a quantitative approach, the study employed 100 questionnaires which were administered to 50 Ghanaian language students and 50 non-Ghanaian language students in the University of Cape Coast. First, the analysis showed that students have positive attitudes towards the study of Ghanaian indigenous languages. Second, students have instrumental reasons for the study of the language. The findings of the study have implications for theory and policy makers.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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