Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2022)                   IJREE 2022, 7(3): 46-57 | Back to browse issues page

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Safdari S. Experiencing Virtual Online Classes during the Pandemic: Foregrounding Iranian EFL Teachers’ and Learners’ Voices. IJREE 2022; 7 (3)
URL: http://ijreeonline.com/article-1-674-en.html
Department of English, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran
Abstract:   (2117 Views)
Teaching English through virtual online platforms has been practiced by language teachers during Covid-19 pandemic. The present mixed-methods study aimed to investigate EFL learners’ and teachers’ perceptions of virtual online classes and examine the potential (non)alignment between their perceptions as well. To do so, 80 learners and 30 teachers took part in the quantitative part and then, 18 learners and 12 teachers of English were selected for the qualitative part of the study. In the quantitative part, the participants responded to a self-report questionnaire on their experiences with online classes. In the qualitative part, the participants took part in online semi-structured interviews. After the questionnaire data provided a general profile of the learners’ and teachers’ opinions, analysis of the qualitative data resulted in the emergence of two major themes of 1) using online instruction as a productive device in language learning; and 2) efficient learning through communication. EFL teachers’ data revealed their belief in 1) fostering interactive classroom through online instruction; and 2) learners’ involvement and enthusiasm for classroom participation. It was also found that both learners and teachers expressed satisfaction with virtual online classes and creation of an interactive learning atmosphere through virtual classes, which indicated the existence of relative alignment between their perceptions. The findings of the study contributed to the EFL teachers’ awareness of applying online instruction in order to create an interactive learning environment for EFL learners and assist them to be enthusiastically involved in classroom communication.    
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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