Volume 8, Issue 4 (9-2023)                   IJREE 2023, 8(4): 61-80 | Back to browse issues page

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Yousefi Afshari Z, Pourhossein Gilakjani A. Investigating the Impact of Learning Styles on Reading Comprehension Skills and Self-Efficacy Perceptions: Evidence from Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners. IJREE 2023; 8 (4)
URL: http://ijreeonline.com/article-1-874-en.html
Department of English Language Translation Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran
Abstract:   (1208 Views)
The present study investigated the impact of learning styles on EFL learners’ reading comprehension skills improvement and self-efficacy perceptions. To this end, 60 intermediate male/female EFL learners at Pasargad Language Center in Langarud, Iran with the age range from 14 to 20 were selected based on the results of Michigan Test of English Language Proficiency. Next, they were randomly divided into two groups of 30. Then, the participants in both groups sat for a pretest of the English reading comprehension test, and answered the English proficiency background form, self-efficacy scale, and Maggie McVay Lynch learning style inventory. Next, the experimental group received learning-style-based activities, while the control group continued to work in the traditional way, with no regard for learning styles. Finally, the English reading comprehension test and self-efficacy scale were administered to both groups as posttests. The results of the study revealed that students’ learning style preferences have significant effects on their reading comprehension skills and English self-efficacy perceptions. The results also indicated that there is a statistically significant difference in the post-test scores between the control and experimental groups. That is, the experimental group performed better than the control group in the post-test of reading comprehension skills and English self-efficacy perceptions, and the progress in the experimental group was more than the control group. The findings of the present study can encourage teachers to use learning style preferences in English language teaching to help EFL learners increase their level of reading comprehension skills and self-efficacy perceptions.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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